Sunday, 16 October 2011

Get a lot of Profit by the Internet

It looks like the owners of haven’t been paying to attention to the new FTC regulations. A quick look at their website reveals many violations of new and old guidelines put forth by the Federal Trade Commission, not mention a whole host of other shady practices.
These one page Google Kit type websites have been plaguing the Internet for close to a year now. They’ve made use of the latest tools in online deception, including billing fraud, and despite prevalent legal threats are showing no signs of slowing down.
I found out about The Internet Profit House by visiting a site called, which featured an article on Mary Steadman and her success working from home with Google. The article described how all Mary does is post links on Google which earn her $25 per link.
The article closes with a link to claiming that you can get started for just one buck in shipping and handling fees. This feel good story has been responsible for convincing hundreds of thousands of people into signing up for one of these kits; sadly the entire thing is one big fraud.
If you scroll past the comments on the article, which are all completely fabricated, you’ll get to the disclaimers for Curiously, this section is longer than the entire article itself and reveals some very interesting things about Mary Steadman and internet news daily.
The reasons for the massive legal protection:
  1. This is not a real newspaper.
  2. They are completely misrepresenting the opportunity.
  3. The testimonial is bogus and is not a real representation of earnings.
  4. They are using companies’ trademarks without their knowledge or consent.
This is just what’s wrong with the site linking to; when you get to the actual sign-up page you’re greeted with even more red flags. Let’s take a look.
Here’s a list of infractions found on The Internet Profit House:
  1. Another misrepresentation of popular trademarks which have no association with the product.
  2. Exaggerated and unsubstantiated income claims; they think that if they can prove that one person made that much money they can get away with having those outrageous figures in their sales pitch by covering it with a “results not typical” disclaimer. According to the FTC that is no longer allowed.
  3. Bogus timer; no matter how long you take to sign up for this thing they’ll always take your money.
  4. Unlawfully using the trust marks; if they were a legitimate site those icons would link to a profile for signifying that the website has been approved. As is they’re just using the images with no sort of merit attached.
Again, this is just what’s wrong based on a quick once over. When you get down to the terms and conditions you’ll find out exactly why you shouldn’t do business with this company.  They say that all you need to do is pay the $0.99 for S&H to get started, however the full story is revealed in the fine print:
When you order the Risk Free Trial of My Online Cash Secrets you will be charged only $1.97 (non-refundable) for access to the The My Online Cash Secrets training program. You will have a full 7 day risk free trial period from your original purchase date to decide if the My Online Cash Secrets program is right for you. At the end of your 7 day trial period you will be charged $68.53 for access to the The My Online Cash Secrets program.
Refund Policy: Please note that no refunds are given after the expiration of the 7 day trial period. The mailed business kit is yours to keep and since there are no additional physical products with My Online Cash Secrets, no returns of any sort are accepted. You can cancel your membership at any time by simply contacting customer service via telephone or email.
Their Contact info is as Follows:
Toll Free Customer Service: Phone: 877-340-4694 – Customer Service representatives are available during regular business hours. E-mail:
My Online Cash Secrets
Athinodorou 3,
Dasoupoli, Strovolos,
P.C. 2025 Nicosia, Cyprus
So what we have here is a site that doesn’t disclose the full price of its course and is counting on the fact that you don’t read the fine print in time to cancel. The best part is that they’re located offshore, which means that all legal disputes have to take place in Nicosia, Cyprus. Good luck canceling…
By this point it should be pretty obvious that you need to stay far away from Online Cash Secrets or whatever they’re going to be calling themselves next month.

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